Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Gorgeousness Of Buffalo Horn Jewelry

By Iva Cannon

There are in fact many items in this world that you can make use of and develop giving you a satisfaction and purpose. Though you might consider it as a trash, if you explore more in details, it has its own value. And due to that reason, you will find out that you can have a great use of it in your future.

Speaking of this, there are actually a lot of items which you can find in this earth. If you are artistic enough, then even the scrap or items which are not familiar will serve you a good endeavor. Just like for example the horn of a buffalo. You might not know this, but you can make out a priceless buffalo horn jewelry out of it.

Actually, animal parts have a very valuable existence. One great example of this is the ivory which the people so greatly loved. Like the horn of the buffalo, this one is a valuable source of jewelries and other works of art like sculptures, etc. The reason for this is because it produces an exquisite outcome. So if you one wishes to have a nice item, then this item will serve as a really nice source.

It is so much alike as that of the horn coming from buffalos. Actually, the horn is grown based on keratin. It is the same as the fingernails of humans that has lovely features like those of the mammalian ivory. The thing is ivory is white while this one has a color of an ebony.

Sometimes, it has a white streak and rarely, it has areas which are of lighter brown to honey colored semi translucent materials. Now a buffalo is actually an animal similar to a common cow. Its place is in flooded, muddy rice fields since it can walk through mud easily. Also, it is raised to produce milk and meat.

It is because this animal can walk with ease at such venue that they are found plowing in the fields with the farmer. But other than that agricultural work, they are also useful in that they provide supplies such as meat and milk.

But if its style is coiled or hanging, the part that consists of the thickness of a wall around the area that is hollow is the thing being used. This material is good for carving like ivory. So in jewelry making, the typical method is carving. Tools that are utilized to labor on this can be rotary tools, carving knives, abrasives as well as sandpapers.

A properly polished horn will result to a high sheen. With this, it would be sometimes difficult to discern from plastic unless particular attention is put into the details. Actually, this was one of the first materials used in making traditional jewelries. And until know, it has become a part of the modern day jewelry making.

Then after the work, the finished result would then be polished to reveal a true shine. And when the result is revealed, it would be hard to determine it sometimes from plastic. This is basically the ones being used in traditional jewelries.

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