Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Bring Out Good Energy With Fashion Alchemy

By Tom Brady

In this age, clothing is no longer just about protecting the body and the skin from the harshness of the weather, but it is now more about freedom of expression and artistic flavor. People express themselves and who they really are through the way that they would dress up and mix their clothes. The process of mixing and matching different articles of clothing is known as fashion alchemy.

This practice, also known as conscious clothing, is to make people have a generally better outlook in life by feeling more confident about themselves. Now the thing about fashion is that it can actually make a person become happier by making them more comfortable with themselves. Since they are free to wear whatever they want, they have the opportunity to express themselves through clothing.

One of the benefits from style alchemy would be the feeling of awakening or feeling of freshness. Now in general, people will actually feel good about themselves if they dress up well in clothes that would look on them since many people will compliment them. However, this is not just about the aesthetics as people compliment them because of the positive aura that they let out through that silent confidence of theirs.

With this positive attitude comes personal and strength from within. This strength from within comes from the confidence that the unique style that one has would bring him or her. This is the whole essence of alchemy which is to create something good into something even more unique and precious.

Of course the trend that is associated with this type of style is the use of healthy fabrics or materials used from natural ingredients. Now the use of healthy fabrics is actually consistent with the concept of clothing or style alchemy because health represents life. In the same way freedom and internal healing represents life as well.

One of the modern health beliefs is that natural products can actually be able to emit good energy which is ultimately good for the body and the environment. It is for this reason that many people would opt to buy clothes made out of natural materials. In essence, this is related to conscious fashion in a sense that both deal with health.

Some of the materials that are used for this clothes of this style would of course be bamboo. Bamboo fabric is known to be one of the softest fabrics ever used. It is also very durable yet really light which makes it refreshing for the body. Another thing that is used is organic cotton which do not make use of artificially modified cotton seeds.

So as one can see, this is one of the trends in the clothing industry. Healthy living is a holistic approach which encompasses both the mind and body. It is about the confidence that people can get from having the freedom creating a new style and choosing the kinds of clothes that they would want to wear.

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