Friday, January 17, 2014

Doll Chateau Dolls Are Something Unique And Special

By Marissa Velazquez

If you enjoy dolls, DC or Doll Chateau dolls might be perfect for you. These are not common or ordinary dolls as they have many more features than normal. Here is important information on these dolls and why they are considered to be so special.

Doll Chateau dolls are unique in that they known as BJD or ball joint dolls. Ball joints make it possible for dolls to move and pose in all sorts of directions. For example, the wrists do not just bend forward or backward. Thanks to the ball joint design, wrists can be rotated in all directions. The same is true for shoulder and elbows, as well as knees and ankles. Just about any movement you can make, these dolls can also perform.

Perhaps one of the best features of quality ball joint dolls is the hands. You can move the fingers in many different ways. Maybe you would like the doll to hold on to a ball or grip an umbrella. You might wish to have the fingers pointing to something or make the hands perform a number of different gestures. All this is possible and much more, with hands that move similar to yours.

No matter what position you choose to pose ball joint dolls in, you should have few problems. There are an endless amount of poses and positions possible. Also, with many dolls you must lean them against a prop or buy special stands, if you want them to stand. This is not needed with finely crafted BJD models, as they can be posed to stand alone or sit.

One of the first things you will notice with ball joint design dolls is their lifelike appearances. Faces are created with fine details and many of them show emotions like fear, sadness, or joy. In addition, you receive dolls that are made to be perfectly correct anatomically. You can buy these models in youth, baby and adult sizes, so you might wish to own an entire family or a set of twins.

If you are a photographic professional or artist and need models for your work, you have many reasons to consider realistic and flexible BJD dolls. This is one of the best ways to lower the costs of your business, as dolls do not charge you by the hour like modeling professionals. Your lifelike models will remain perfectly still for as long as you need them. They will not complain or take long breaks from work either.

Clothing for most ball joint dolls is very versatile. Many dolls have a few selections for clothes, but you can buy almost any article of clothing that you need for BJD types. You can dress them in any manner that you wish. Clothing like wigs, hats, and underwear, are readily available. You may also change eye color and lengthen or shorten the legs.

Ball Joint dolls are some of the most lifelike dolls on the market today. The average adult model is about 76 centimeters or 30 inches in length. They make great collectibles and can be used as human models in many kinds of artistic endeavors. There are so many options with Doll Chateau dolls that each one you buy can be created into your own very special person.

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