Friday, November 15, 2013

Birthstones: Interesting Information

By Stefanie Flenner

The tradition of associating certain gems with months on the calendar is by no means a new one, and birthstones were suggested as early as the First Century when a Jewish scholar named Josephus wrote about the 12 special stones placed upon the breastplate that was given to the Israelite's High Priest. Each of these stones, Josephus contended, represented a specific tribe of Israel. While the birthstones on this breastplate were not the same ones that we use today, the tradition seems to have begun around those times.

The gems we associate with each month now are based on either German or Polish traditions that existed as far back as the 1500s, and the current list of gemstones recognized by the National Association of Jewelers was established in 1912. Great Britain has its own list of birthstones, which is quite similar to ours. Hindu tradition also includes a matching of birthstones to each month, and several months include gems that are the same as the Western birthstones. For example, the pearl is known as one of the gemstones for June for Americans, the British and Hindus. Diamonds also are universally associated with the month of April.

Many ancient people believed that gemstones had magical properties, and each birthstone has its own special history and legends surrounding it. The birthstone of August, the peridot, was believed to cure a variety of diseases and also to keep one from feeling envious. This latter fact could be attributed to its green hue and the expression "green from envy," which has been a commonly used phrase since Shakespeare used it in both "Othello" and "The Merchant of Venice." Whatever the reason, people felt that if they wore this special gem, they would be healthier and perhaps purer of heart.

While several birthstones were believed to have healing properties, January's gem, the garnet, was said to protect warriors from injury and many soldiers wore garnets during the Crusades to protect themselves from harm and also because they further believed that it would lead them to a more certain victory. Some people believed that certain gemstones, notably November's citrine, could improve our psychic power. The citrine also was believed to ward off the negative energies of others.

While several months have just one birthstone, others have multiple options. In January, you just have garnets and in February, there is the amethyst. April, May and August also have just a single stone, the diamond, the emerald or the peridot. December has quite a few, depending on the source, including turquoise, zircon, topaz and also tanzanite. September has just one in the United States, but three in Great Britain. In America, September babies have sapphires as a birth stone, but in England, Scotland or Wales, you can choose sapphire, lapis or lazuli.

There are many different jewelry options for those who wish to purchase an item with a birthstone. You can find necklaces, belly rings, earrings, vintage jewelry and much more featuring birthstones and they are always excellent gifts, especially for birthdays. One special Mother's day gift would be to present your mom with a mother's ring, featuring the birthstones of each of her children.

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