Saturday, September 7, 2013

Why Are Numerous Females Obsessed With Footwear?

By Joana Boyle

We're planning on wearing flats on Fashion's Night Out. How else could we get from Saks Fifth Avenue (JT alert!) to Vena Cava's block party in Williamsburg and back to the Meatpacking District without developing some Big Apple-sized blisters? Speaking of hoofing it, Christian Louboutin will be offering Champagne foot baths and pedicures at his Madison Avenue shop. No, the shoe maestro himself won't be in town; he's busy putting the finishing touches on his new Rodeo Drive boutique.

I have never been a fan of Barbie, but I know that some collectors are absolutely besotted by this ever-changing icon of American beauty. To call their collection "toys" would be the biggest insult. These collectors spend hundreds of dollars purchasing designer clothes for their Barbie dolls and, there are a number of top dress designers that have designed especially for this plastic queen. Christian Louboutin Barbie shoes are without doubt individual works of art, and a must-have for any collector who wants her Barbie doll to look like a million dollars.

Christian Louboutin Barbie Shoes are amazing little creations and there is a design to suit any kind of outfit you want to dress your Barbie in, from stunning glittering stilettos to slightly more modest pumps. If you have ever seen a pair of genuine Louboutin shoes in the flesh, you probably reeled when you saw them, and then nearly fainted at the price, but not so with Christian Louboutin Barbie shoes. The master of shoe design has come up with an amazingly well-priced collection especially for Barbie, and among the nine different pairs of stunning shoes for your Barbie, is a pair of signature red-soled Louboutin pumps

I think there's definitely an element of sexual fetishism involved in men's fascination with women's high-heel shoes. But for women, I think it's not fetishism so much as it is an obsession with fashion and with shoes as the ultimate sartorial symbol of erotic femininity.

It goes way back to Cinderella. Shoes have played an important role in cultural thought for a long time. In Qui tes-vous, Polly Maggoo?, a film from the sixties about French fashion, there's a wonderful scene when a TV reporter is interviewing some pompous French sociology professor who says that the Cinderella story is all about the importance of tiny feet and beautiful shoes. Then he says, "So there you are: fetishism, mutilation, pain. Fashion in a nutshell." [Laughs] But I do think that our show is unique, because we're not just looking at the social and psychosexual reasons why we all love shoes. We're focusing on the twenty-first century and calling attention to the fact that in the last twelve years or so, after the end of Sex and the City, the obsession with high-end designer shoes has spread from something that only a few people were really obsessed with to being something that everybody's obsessed with.

No self-respecting owner would want to hide these out of sight, so these nine pairs of fabulous shoes come with a 13-inches tall x 10-inches wide x 3-inches long display box. Best of all, this entire collection can be purchased for less than $60! I wish I could find nine pairs of stunning Louboutin shoes for that price, for my big old human feet! At that price, this collection is an ideal gift for the Barbie enthusiast's special occasion.

Not only has Louboutin designed these stunning Barbie shoes, you may have seen some of his total Barbie creations in the form of the Barbie Cat Burglar doll or the beautiful Barbie Anemone doll. Of course, no collector would be satisfied seeing her Barbie wearing those same old shoes every day, so by having the Christian Louboutin Barbie shoes collection, you can redress her feet to suit any occasion or any mood.

If you want to wear a bright pink pair of Christian Louboutin Barbie shoes to match your doll, bingo, this crazy designer has even made a matching pair for your feet!

Part of it is that shoe shopping is probably the highest form of fashion shopping. It's the most pleasurable. I mean, who doesn't look good in a pair of beautiful shoes? And compare it with something like bathing-suit shopping, which is the nadir of horror. Also, you can get a lot more fashion bang for your buck with a pair of shoes. You know, it might be a thousand dollars, but if you're going to buy a jacket or a dress by that same or a comparable designer, you'd be talking three, four thousand dollars or up. And right now, people are, in a way, dressing in more of a uniform. For instance, many people just wear a well-cut pair of jeans and a great black jacket. But with shoes, they can play and transform themselves-they can change the style image that they're creating.

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