Sunday, August 4, 2013

Fashion Turban Designs For All

By Cathy Mercer

Throughout the course of human history, there have been many reasons for which people have chosen to wear hats and other types of head coverings. Some cultures use them for religious beliefs, others because of tradition, or status, protection and the ever popular, style. Women all over the world are now seeing the beauty in fashion turban designs and find them as attractive as they are functional.

Most women choose their head covering to either serve a specific purpose or to accentuate a particular outfit. Since they can be made from a wide variety of fabrics and in many different designs, turbans are often a top choice. A big part of their appeal lies in their flexibility in look and practicality.

Wraps can be made in a myriad of fashionable ways. Most styles start with an over sized scarf that may be triangular, rectangular or squared, as long as it has enough length to go around the head at least twice. Though the fabric choice is entirely personal to the wearer, lightweight ones such as cotton, nylon, linen and silk are recommended because they are easy to use and comfortable to wear.

With a designated series of structured twists, folds and knots, one can wrap their head in hundreds of different ways. One simple type of turban may be formed by folding a scarf into the shape of a triangle and place it over the skullcap with the center of the flat side place against the forehead. Take the two points that are extended to the side and twist them into ropes then tie them behind the neck, tucking the loose point under the knot as one would a bandanna.

Folding the scarf in a rectangle format until it is about three inches wide along the entire length gives a few more choices in how it can be worn. With a few wraps, twists and stretches, it can be made into a more fashion forward version of the traditional style. Winding in one direction then reversing to tie in a knot forms a unique looking headband.

All the intricate finger work that is required to make the traditional styles of turbans may not be easy for some people to do. Those who prefer, have the option of buying caps that are sewn to look like the complicated folding styles formally used. These ready made caps are designed to stretch easily over the wearer's head and fit as snugly as if professionally wound.

As these types of caps come in a vast range of styles, there is sure to be something to fit the preferences of practically everyone. Many are designed to look just like a professionally wrapped scarf with the added bonus of being stretchable so that they can be easily pulled onto one's head. The models will vary greatly so that there is a wide variety from which users may choose.

Regardless of whether one prefers to do the wrapping themselves or to purchase a designer made cap, there are many fashion turban options to consider. Finding a fabric and pattern that suits one's personal preference is a good place to begin when deciding what style to wear. The headdresses may be further personalized through the addition of embellishments like rosettes, bows, jewels and ribbons.

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